The Jane Austen-Scholar-in Residence Program supports travel research fellowships to promote scholarship related to the eighteenth-century studies using the Alberta Hirshheimer Burke-Jane Austen Collection at Goucher College. Established in 2000, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the donation of the Jane Austen Collection, this competitive residency offers the selected scholar a two-week residency providing an award of $2500 to help cover estimated travel and living expenses.
In 2019, the Goucher College Library partnered with the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) to award the residency on a rolling basis. Goucher College Library is now part of a select group of research institutions in the ASECS Joint Library Fellowship program.
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In 1975, at the death of Alberta Hirshheimer Burke, a Goucher alumna of the Class of 1928, Goucher College received the extraordinary Jane Austen collection that she and her husband, prominent Baltimorean Henry Burke, had acquired over a period of forty years. This nationally recognized collection includes copies of all first and early editions, an extensive collection of translations, biographical and critical works, and later editions. The collection is supported by a great number of works from the Georgian period including novels, periodicals, courtesy books, works by Humphry Repton and contemporaries, and beautiful color-plate books. The Burke’s personal papers include Alberta Burke’s own notebooks of Austen-related ephemera and correspondence with Austen collectors and scholars. For an overview of the Burke Austen collection, see this Jane Austen Collection Guide.
The Goucher College Library serves the intellectual and creative needs of the greater Goucher community and visiting researchers. Located within the library, the Special Collections & Archives (SC&A) includes rare books, personal papers, photographs, the college archives, and other unique research materials. With more than 15,000 rare and special books, including incunabulum from the advent of printing, finely printed and finely bound works, and a growing collection of artists' books, the SC&A holdings support primary research in many disciplines. Students, faculty, and outside researchers are encouraged to explore our unique collections.
The James Wilson Bright Collection, a 4,000 volume teaching collection, will be of interest to 18th century scholars and includes Anglo-Saxon, Middle English, and Early Modern English texts that support centuries of scholarship in English studies, is an important collection for 18th century scholarship.
Prior to partnering with ASECS, the Jane Austen Scholar-in-Residence program started out as the Burke-Austen Scholar-in-Residence. The following scholars were Burke-Austen fellows: